Faculty of Business, Communication and Finance
Leading The Performance Management & Succession Planning Function
23rd – 27th June 2025 – Rotterdam
24th – 28th November 2025 – Rotterdam
This programme has been designed as an intervention to address identified learning needs in the areas of performance management and succession planning. This function has become exceedingly necessary for organisations to measure the performance of their staff to ensure optimal performance, as well as, proactively grooming successors by overcoming the expense and risk associated with seeking talents from outside where ready replacements are often limited.
It is about ensuring the employees and organization are focused on the same priorities. The programme looks at performance management and succession planning from the organization’s perspective as well as the line manager’s and it will give line managers the skills and knowledge they require to carry out their functions effectively
Course Objectives
At the end of the course, participants should be able to:
- Translate their corporate strategy into sales strategies, tasks, and processes easily understood by the sales teams and the rest of the organization
- Understand the roles of manager and staff in the performance development process.
- Design an organization’s performance management process that supports organizational mission and strategy.
- Devise “SMART” annual performance objectives
- Identify and communicate appropriate actions with employees based on their performance strengths and weaknesses.
- Give and receive objective and constructive performance feedback with confidence and reduced anxiety.
- Develop a targeted approach to identify the competencies needed for specific positions
- Balance their personal leadership style with the demands of the organization without compromising their principles.
Target Participants
Line Managers, Department Heads, Mid and Senior Level Managers.
Fundamentals of Performance Management (PM)
- Performance Management defined
- Performance Management Process
Goal Setting
- Goal Setting and Goal Achievement
- Setting goals and objectives
Establishing Performance Goals
- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- Employee Goals/KPIs
- 360 Degree Feedback
Performance Measurement and Rewarding Results
- Conducting Performance Reviews
- Rewards methods and practices
- Managing diminished performance
Succession planning:
- Developing the succession planning process
- Mentoring and Coaching
- Effective monitoring, measuring and follow-up processes
Nothing Beats the right skills for personal and organisational growth
No matter the expertise level you intend to pursue, we always have the right programme for you